Friday, May 9, 2008

Musings of a Startup - Part 1 - Advertising

HawkeSoft is my first startup, and I am having to learn many new things... fast!

Google AdWords and Microsoft adCenter are my newest interests. Trying to get the news out on a new company/product is an interesting task. I must admit that working with the ad campaigns is actually quite fun on some level. It connects to my interest in fantasy sports and the stock market from a pure number crunching standpoint.

Has anyone else worked with these ad technologies and had any kind of epiphany on how to get clicks? So far I am registering thousands of impressions and almost no clicks (which means not too many people are probably reading this blog... hmm).

I am also considering submitting my application to well-read blogs and other online publications.

So far the whole startup venture has been very rewarding, and interesting to say the least. It appears as though my first musing has turned into more of a rambling... be back soon.

- Grant

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